Friday, November 21, 2008

Dhalgren is now ready for pick up

Our next book is Samuel Delany's nonlinear masterpiece Dhalgren.

Kirkus reviews sums it up this way, "A futuristic, postapocalyptic narrative, Delany's circular and heavily allusive fiction surveys the American 'autumnal' city of Bellona, where some sort of disaster has taken place, altering not just the social structure but the nature of the space-time continuum. An anarchist community evolves, prominently featuring Delany's protagonist, "the Kid," a pansexual gang leader and poet."

Speaking for myself, I can't wait to sink my teeth into this one. Copies are now available for pick-up at the Main Library return desk. It is lengthy. I would start early.

We'll be meeting to discuss this book January 15th at the Main Library in Conference Rm 3 at 6pm. Feel free to bring food and drink.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Some thoughts about Watchmen

- Is this literature? If so, why? If not, is it genre fiction? Quality genre fiction?

- What did you think of the art? Are there any aspects you find particularly striking? Did you notice any recurring motifs?

- Do the “mockumentary” intercapitulary chapters work?

- Was Veidt’s plan morally right?

- All the characters seemed to be based on superhero stereotypes. Can you think of any examples (real or fictional) who some of the characters might be based on?

- RORSCHACH. I find him to be an unforgettable character. His personal politics / moral code distill the political and moral themes of the book. Any thoughts?

- Who are the Watchmen?

Cass provided this great portal to Watchmen critical resources:

Jeremy gave me this link to a minority report on the impact of Watchmen:

We'll be meeting to discuss this book November 20th at the Main Library in Conference Rm 3 at 6pm. Feel free to bring food and drink.